Tim Tollefson at the Javelina Jundred, 2020

© Lyndon Marceau / marceauphotography

Tim Tollefson has won the Javelina Jundred 100 mile trail race with an excellent 13 h 28 m. One of the few high profile races to take place this year, the Javelina Jundred is an ultra trail world tour race held annually in Fort McDowell, Arizona. The course is made up of five, 31 km (19.2 miles) loops and has three on course aid stations. Tollefson is not a stranger to Javelina Jundred, he won the 31 km race in 2018 with a time of 2 h 54 m. It’s impressive that Tollefson’s rough average loop time of 2 h 41m for this year’s race was faster than his 31 km race in 2018. Check out Tollefson’s results here.

Scottsdale Arizona’s Nick Coury came in second place with 14 h 9 m and Phoenix Arizona’s Nicole Bitter came in 3rd place overall and won the women’s event with 15 h 17 m.

In an October 15, 2020 Instagram post, Tollefson expressed how excited he was to run an in person race for the first time in nine months. Tollefson had big plans to race in some of the majors including Western States, Leadville and UTMB.

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that feeling when you realize – for the first time in nearly 9 months – you have a live IN PERSON race coming up!😱🤯🤩 this year I was aiming to challenge myself at new events, but, as with nearly every athlete, race after race has fallen: States, Leadville, UTMB, RRR, bye bye bye 👋👋👋 So my focus shifted towards FKTs – what all the cool kids are doing 😎. Almost as soon as the cycle began, California was struck with its’ largest fire season on record, our trails were closed for a month – Wilderness areas remain closed – and toxic smoke from California’s single largest fire on record, the #CreekFire, continues to plague our small town for the 6th straight week as someone that uses running to treat a myriad of mental issues, such a drought of events and environmental challenges has proven difficult to manage, hold onto purpose and worth, and stay above water thankfully, with immense help from a very supportive village we’ve kept trucking – on a treadmill 🤢-and implemented ‘Plan J’, @javelinajundred in two weeks in the Arizona desert! 🌵Flat, hot, and loopy, it’s right in my usual wheelhouse 😆 Curiosity has always driven me and this is truly unknown territory Eternally grateful for the continued support and guidance @sportsbrasandsnowstorms, @roxymtngirl, Janelle, Mario and others have given me ❤️ #timetofry 🥵#timetofly #guforit #utwt #julboathlete #sraelite #exploreperfection

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Tim Tollefson is one of the top trail runners in the U.S. He placed third overall at UTMB in 2016 and 2017. I like Tollefson’s gritty spirit. In a September, 2019 interview with Trail Runner Magazine, Tollefson was asked about his feelings towards his 2019 and 2018 DNFs at UTMB. Tollefson replied “Any time you show up, give your best and walk away healthy and with good relationships, that’s a win,”. It’s great to see Tollefson winning races and I’ll be following along closely for his future races.