Self-supported Bruce Trail FKT Attempt, 2021


I’m very happy to share that I’m attempting to break the self-supported fastest known time (FKT) for the 890 km Bruce Trail on Sunday, August 29th, 2021. Self-supported means that I won’t have help from a support crew, I’ll be carrying a 30 pound backpack with my camping gear and I’ll be on my own most of the time. I’ve included the definition for self-supported further below which the Fastest Known Time web site includes in their guidelines section.

Current FKT: The current FKT is held by Charlotte Vasarhelyi who completed the Bruce Trail in 16 days and 21 hours in 2016.

Goal for completion: I hope to complete the Bruce Trail in just under 14 days.

Direction: I’m starting at the south terminus in Niagara and traveling north to Tobermory.

How can you run with a 30 pound backpack? I’ve tried to run with a heavy backpack and it just isn’t sustainable over a long distance. As a result, I’ll be attempting to hike the whole length of the Bruce Trail.

Tracking: I’m carrying a Garmin inReach Explorer however I won’t be sharing my progress live since I’ll be on the trail alone. I’ll post daily updates on my Instagram account and will share my Garmin inReach tracking information at the end of my attempt. I also plan on documenting my journey with daily video diaries and journaling, which I’ll also share at the end of my attempt.

Accommodation: I’ll be camping most nights and I’ve booked camp sites along the way. I’ve arranged for a B&B for one night along my route.

Supplies: I’ll be carrying a maximum of 4 days worth of supplies at any given moment. I’ve mailed myself three re-supply boxes which I’ll pick up every 3-4 days along my route.


I can’t thank my wife Lindsay enough for her support in this attempt. Lindsay has been a huge help in my planning and she will be looking after our three kids while I’m away on this adventure.

I’ve also been very fortunate to have Canadian endurance legend Ray Zahab as a resource for my planning. I have been having monthly calls with Ray and have received invaluable advice.

Self-supported definition: “Self-Supported means you may have as much support as you can manage or find along the way, but not from any thing or person just for you; any support you employ must be equally available to anyone else. This can range from caching supplies in advance, purchasing supplies along the way, staying at motels, to finding or begging for food or water; camping in a friends yard would be Supported, because that is not available to the public.