Fall Running – The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


The air is crisp and there’s a hint of woodsmoke in the air. There are beautiful colours all around – green, red, orange and yellow. The trees are still full however it won’t be long before the leaves line the trails. The sun is shining and slightly hazy. I’m taking it in with a smile as I lace up my shoes. The fall snuck up on me this year. I was enjoying summer running and before I knew it, it was mid-September. 

I leave my house and I’m running free and easy. The cooler weather keeps my heart rate down and I can push the pace. I’m running in shorts and a T-shirt, I’m not ready to break out my long sleeves and tights yet. I haven’t brought any water with me and I’m not worried. I’m running for an hour today and I won’t be drenched in sweat like I would have been a month ago. It rained yesterday and the earthy smell of the trail reminds me of the fall races that I like so much. I ran the Midnight Moose 100 miler on September 20th last year in Gatineau park, Quebec. With conditions much like today, I set an aggressive pace and finished the race in 2nd place overall, my best finish ever. I’m also brought back to my first 50 mile race at Haliburton Forest, Ontario in 2017. I had taken a year off from racing after a bad experience and a strong finish at Haliburton got me back on track. 

More beautiful colours in Muskoka, Ontario – September 2020

I’m pacing the final stretch home and it’s gotten darker than I’m used to. I’m reminded that I’ll need to start packing a head lamp for my evening runs. I run into my driveway feeling more energized than usual. Fall in Ontario really is the best time for running. I can’t wait to get back on the trails and enjoy this incredible season.


  1. Always enjoy your uplifting and inspirational thoughts on paper. The Muskoka trails are beautiful for sure. I toured Halton Hills on the weekend. There is bountiful beauty in your own hometown region. Continue running. Continue inspiring.

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